
As part of Your Utah, Your Future, Envision Utah analyzed Utah’s ability to feed itself today and in the future. This led to a strong awareness about agriculture. Envision Utah has worked over the past year to continue discussions around agriculture and its future in our state. Some of that work has included:

• Collaborating with the Agricultural Land Preservation working group, hosted by The Utah Department of Agriculture, on how to utilize the Your Utah, Your Future values in rural Utah

• Continuing education and promotion of Envision Utah’s Utah County Agriculture Toolbox, released in late 2016

•Holding discussions with community members and government organizations, and other groups such as Utah League of Women Voters, about agriculture preservation

•Offering support and research to launch the 25k Jobs Initiative—a bottom-up approach to bringing jobs and economic development to rural Utah

•Incorporating agriculture as a critical part of the Valley Visioning effort to create a vision for Utah County

Learn more about the future of agriculture →

