Water Values Study
This is a comprehensive study to understand Utahns' water values and priorities, aiming to inform strategies for addressing tradeoffs and behavior changes crucial for a sustainable water future amidst record lows in the state.
Wasatch Choice Vision: Utah County
Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) is now in the process of updating the Wasatch Choice Vision for Utah County. This is a vision for coordinated transportation investments, development patterns, and economic opportunities.
the future of Education in utah
With special focus on the Vision for Teacher Excellence & the Utah Teacher Initiative, Envision Utah is working with key stakeholders and educators throughout the state to improve education in Utah.
Disaster resilience
In 2021 Envision Utah formally embarked on a multi-year statewide disaster resilience effort to identify key strategies for increasing disaster resilience and build public awareness and political will to further the strategies.
Land and housing capacity analysis
Factors contributing to Utah’s housing shortage include significant supply constraints, including a shortage of suitable land in high-demand areas. This project addresses Utah's housing crisis through a structured, data-driven approach.
Envision Utah is continuously working with partners across the state to help educate parents, professionals, and other Utahns about the things we can do to enable a child’s success starting from when they’re newborns and onward throughout their childhood.
Creating Communities Guide
Envision Utah developed this guide as an informative tool for city staff, officials, planners, and the general public to learn more about creating centers and quality communities.
clean air action & implementation
Envision Utah facilitated the Clean Air Action Team to make recommendations for action which can be taken to improve Utah’s air quality, which are now being implemented by our Clean Air Implementation Team.
Welcoming Communities
Envision Utah is working to understand traditional planning’s shortcomings and identify strategies that can help local and state governments be more inclusive in planning and developing our communities.
your utah, your future
Your Utah, Your Future is more than a vision. It informs everything we do, helping us establish a vision for our Utah and our future as we’re projected to add another 2.5 million people by 2050.
land use review for attainable housing
Housing affordability in Utah has eroded over the past few years, threatening Utahns’ peace of mind and financial security. Envision Utah is reviewing land use & construction regulations and their implications for housing costs.
With over sixty-three percent of Utahns feeling like we're growing too quickly, Envision Utah, working with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, and other partners, is engaging in a statewide conversation about growth. Join the conversation today.
valley visioning
In a multiyear process, Envision Utah engaged residents and stakeholders in a process that established a community-supported vision for 2050 that focuses on growth in Utah Valley across a breadth of topics and concerns.
point of the mountain
Envision Utah has been chosen by the Point of the Mountain Development Commission to lead the Point of the Mountain visioning process, revolving around public input and collaboration and will be driven by research and careful analysis .
utah county agriculture
Envision Utah has spent more than a year working with farmers, county leaders, developers, agriculture experts and others to identify tools and strategies to protect and preserve agriculture in Utah County.
quality growth strategy update
18,000 Utahns weighed in and created a strategic plan for issues like air quality, water use, transportation, land use, and more. That vision has guided decision making, policies, and everyday actions for more than 20 years. How have we done?