transportation & communities
Utahns envision safe communities that make life convenient. They desire active town and village centers in and around most neighborhoods, so they can choose to live close to where they work, shop, learn, and play. They want to be able to drive short distances, walk, bike, and access public transportation in most communities, so they can live healthy lives and save time and money. Utahns envision their communities having good housing options for them, regardless of their stage of life and whether they want to own a large home or rent a small apartment.
Utahns want to conveniently get around their communities without a car, to reduce traffic congestion, to live close to destinations, and to reduce the amount of farmland lost to development. Utahns do not place much importance on ensuring there are plentiful neighborhoods that are mostly just single-family homes on large lots.
To achieve these goals, Utahns are willing to design communities to be more convenient for pedestrians and cyclists, even if driving becomes slightly less convenient. They are willing to build mixed-use centers with apartments and multistory buildings distributed throughout urban areas, and they are even willing to have more local traffic congestion if destinations are closer together and overall drive times decrease. They are not willing to make any of the tradeoffs required to develop primarily large-lot homes.
Learn more about the future of transportation and communities→