Our children’s brains grow the fastest from birth through age five. Helping them learn now prepares them for school, friends, and life.
Vroom®: Our favorite brain-building tool for parents and professionals
Vroom Tips™ are fun activities, backed by science, that turn everyday moments into Brain Building Moments™.
Vroom Tips?
Every Vroom Tip gives a bit of simple, fun advice, and “Brainy Background,” a little explanation of how the activity helps your child.
The Brain Building Basics™
Developed by a Panel of experts from across the country
cutting-edge science distilled into simple, positive, principles
Look - Children use their eyes to learn. See what catches your child’s eye and talk about it. Or connect eye-to-eye, then smile, chat, hug, or make funny faces!
Follow - Young children learn best when you follow their lead. Tune into your child’s words, sounds, ideas, and movements! Then respond with your own words and actions
Take Turns - Children learn from taking turns when you play, talk, or explore. After they go, take your turn. Then repeat: they go, you go, they go, you go!
Chat - Children’s brains light up when you talk, sing, or make sounds back and forth with them. So chat about your day, food, and what’s around you, or string sounds together for a fun conversation!
Stretch - Children’s brains grow strong when you help them stretch their learning further. Keep a moment going: ask your child a question that starts with what, when, where, how, or why!

we empower over 100 partners across Utah by sharing the importance of early brain growth and helping them connect to families in ways that foster healthy, nurturing interactions.
Our logic model for how we run our statewide project. It’s our goal to empower families across Utah to understand the importance of brain-building with a cultural shift in our approach to the first few years of life.
Because What you say matters.
We partner with organizations influence families like healthcare or childcare providers, religious organizations, nonprofits, and other groups. You are the trusted voice in your community. We help you find ways to share brain science with parents, who in turn, share more brain-building moments with their children. We also encourage these parents to use Vroom—a free and non-commercialized tool—that provides parents daily tips for fostering these brain-building moments.
And every moment counts.
Every moment with families is a chance to praise the great brain-building behavior, model healthy activities, discuss brain-building habits, and invite others to do more brain-building with their shared moments.
Professional RESOURCES, Powered By Vroom™
In addition to Vroom’s library quick and easy printable materials, Envision Utah’s Early Learning Project is ready to help you adapt Vroom’s resources to fit your organization’s look and feel, brand, and voice with customized materials, co-branded materials, and other support services. With our graphic design team at your service, we’re able to help you share just the right message with your parents and families, all “Powered By Vroom.”
Here’s how we help
Co-branded materials – We’ll help you co-create brain-building materials, flyers, posters or other materials helpful to your organization.
Print and ship – Want a brain-building starter kit? Let us send you a packet of stuff so you can get brain-building in your organization! Run out of stuff? Let us know and we’ll keep your office, classroom, and waiting room supplied with beautiful materials!
Social media design – We’ll help you strategize your outreach campaign, design a few posts, share a few ready-made things we’ve done with others, or point you toward amazing content creators.
Fully customized solutions - want to create something unique to your organization, but need a little help from our design team? Let us help out! We’ve done things as complex as museum installations, all the way down to a logo on a flyer, and everything in between!
Event prep - Have a parent-facing function in your future? We’d love to fix you up with flyers! Check out some of the events we’ve helped folks plan for:
Back-to-school nights, parent-teacher conferences, kindergarten kickoffs
Diaper drives, safety fairs, carseat checks, Meet the Firefighters
Easter egg hunts, Trunk-or-treats, Sub-for-Santas
All materials and resources from both Envision Utah and Vroom are completely free.
Check out this example of what a short parent-facing “brain-building 101” presentation and introduction to Vroom Tips from Envision Utah staff looks like.
See how Vroom can help an organization serving families and caregivers.